/** * DAG's Single Source Shortest Path Algorithm in C++ * Based on DFS, don't let any circle exist in the graph * Time Cost : O(|N|+|M|) * Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS) 24.2 * Author: Zheng Chen / Arclabs001 * Copyright 2015 Xi'an University of Posts & Telecommunications */#include#include #include #include #define INF 0xfffffffusing namespace std;const int N = 6;const int M = 10;ifstream in;enum status {UNDISCOVERED,DISCOVERED,VISITED};struct edge{ int dest; int weight;};struct vertex{ int num; int dist; int inDegree,outDegree; status _stat; vertex * parent;}V[N];vector AdjList[N];stack vertexStack; //The call srackstack topo_order;int t;void initialize(int s){ for(int i=0; i >_start>>_dest>>_weight; tmp->dest = _dest; tmp->weight = _weight; V[_start].outDegree++; V[_dest].inDegree++; AdjList[_start].push_back(*tmp); } V[s].dist = 0; t = 0;}void relax(int u, int v, int weight) //The "relax" operation{ if(V[v].dist > V[u].dist + weight) { V[v].dist = V[u].dist + weight; V[v].parent = &V[u]; }}/** * The main dfs-visit function, to get the topo-order of the graph * @param i [the root of each tree] */void dfs_Visit(int i){ V[i]._stat = DISCOVERED; edge tmp; for(int j=0; j num; else if(v->parent == nullptr) cout<<"No path from "< num<<" to "< num< parent); cout<<"->"< num; }}int main(){ in.open("DAG.txt"); int s = 1; DAG_shortest_path(s); cout<<"Succeed ! The distance of each vertex are :"< <<"INF "; else cout< <<" "; cout< <<"One of the shortest path is :"<
0 1 5
0 2 3
1 2 2
1 3 6
2 3 7
2 4 4
2 5 2
3 4 -1
3 5 1
4 5 -2